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Newsletter 2016-17
Issue No. 1
This is the first issue of our school newsletter. The newsletter aims to enhance the communication between the parents and the school. You will find articles on a wide variety of topics, including parenting tips on dealing with children’s back to school anxiety, highlights of our Hawaiian and Mid-autumn party, reminder on upcoming events, introduction of our teaching team and the Principal’s message. We hope you will enjoy to reading it! [Read Now]
Issue No. 2
Welcome to the second edition of our school newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to update you on all the exciting events and activities which have been happening at MASS. Highlights include: Halloween, Food party, Community Planting Day, trips to the Yakult Factory and Tai Tong Organic Eco Park, and an insight into our Christmas activities.
Issue No. 3
Welcome to the third edition of our school newsletter. We have kicked off 2017 with many events, trips and parties and we wish for this to continue. Please take time to read through the newsletter to gain a further insight into life at MASS. The third addition includes; the Christmas Carol Performance, Chinese New Year party, pyjama party, visit to Ocean Park, The Standards International Schools Fair and our up and coming events; Spanish fiesta and MASS sports day.
Issue No. 4 *new
Welcome to the fourth edition of our school newsletter. The second term has completed and the final term will continue to be eventful and remarkable. In this issue, you can find the highlights of MASS Sports day, Spanish Party, Ice skating trip, Easter Party and the Kadoorie Farm trip. Please take the time to read the newsletter and to learn more about your child’s school life at MASS.